Sunday 22 October 2017

Mum Shares Heartbreaking Pictures Of Daughter Who Was Stillborn At 39 Weeks After Being Poisoned In The Womb

A brave young mum has shared heartbreaking photos of her stillborn daughter who was slowly poisoned in the womb because of a rare illness.

Gabriella Morley and Matthew Dalton had been friends for 10 years before becoming a couple in 2016 and were overjoyed to discover they were having a baby soon after.

But at 39 weeks, while out shopping with removal driver Matty, 25, mum-to-be Gabriella suddenly realised she hadn't felt her baby move that day.

After rushing to hospital , doctors looked for a heartbeat but 24-year-old Gabriella and Matty were given the devastating news that their baby had died.

The grieving mum had to give birth to her lifeless little girl on May 9 2017 – an emotionally 'scarring' experience she has tried to block from her memory.

A post-mortem revealed that baby Poppy died from cardiac arrest after being poisoned by high acidity levels in her mum's body due to the pregnancy-related liver condition intrahepatic cholestasis (ICP).

Gabriella, of Bramley, Leeds, said: "It is a rare condition but I think more mums need to know about it. I don't want anyone to ever have to go through what we did.

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