Thursday 3 August 2017

Brazil's President Narrowly Escapes Corruption Trial.

The Brazilian Congress has voted not to put President Michel Temer on trial for corruption.

Opposition lawmakers in the lower house of Congress failed to obtain the two-thirds majority needed to send the case to the Supreme Court.

Mr Temer welcomed the vote as "clear and incontestable".

The president has been accused of receiving $12m (£9m) in bribes from the boss of a giant meatpacking firm, JBS. He has denied the allegation.

In the 513-seat chamber, 263 voted against the motion to send the president for trial and 227 voted in favour, well below the 342 needed for the motion to pass.

"With the support the lower house has given me, we will pass all the reforms that the country needs," President Temer said, after the vote.

"Now it is time to invest in our country. Brazil is ready to start growing again."

He vowed to complete his term of office, which ends in December 2018.

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